Sexy Sticky Notes
You’ve always loved this in our store but THIS time, our set is printed FOR YOU and shipped straight to your porch! And it's SPIIIICCYYYY!
That’s right! The pre-printed version of a Diva Store top seller!
A collection of pre-printed, ready to go, sexy sticky notes that are sassy, suggestive, and most importantly – SUPER SEXY!
12 Mild Sticky Notes - Notes with flirtations messages. Some of which you can fill in the blanks for a personalized touch.
12 Medium Sticky Notes - Notes with flirtatious and lightly suggestive undertones.
12 Spicy Sticky Notes - Notes with strong suggestive undertones that are still classy.
The Sexy Sticky Note pack includes dozens of flirty messages designed, printed, and ready to stick wherever you please!
TIP: Leave your sexy love notes in creative places…
- On the shower walls
- On the bathroom mirror
- All over your bed
- Around the bedroom
- All over their car
- Between the pages of a book they’re currently reading
- Inside their wallet
- In their underwear drawer